Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lipsmacking Good!

Ok, so I'm a bit obsessive when it comes to lip balms. When I find one that I like, I have to have them stashed wherever I might feel the need to embalm my lips!

So there's one on my desk...

One on my bedside table ...

One at the TV... car... You get the idea. My current favourite is the giant Lip Smacker in Strawberry Kiwi.

Oh, and I also have a few in the cupboard in case this is a limited edition lip balm and they don't get them at Priceline any more... Heaven forbid!!!

Do you have a favourite you have multiples of?

Nyx Cosmetics

I have been following various makeup and fashion "gurus" for the past couple of months. Watching them on You Tube is fascinating. It's like a window into someone else's lives and their secrets for success in their lives. Then I began to read their blogs and the blogs of their followers and then on it goes until here I am starting a blog of my own!

I find myself talking to myself often about stuff, so maybe this will be a way to direct that talk out to where it may be of some use to someone else, just as the simplest of blog entries brings me a smile when I read the ones I follow.

So here goes ... starting with my latest "find" - NYX cosmetics.

I hunted them down and have found them at my local shopping mall. The manager of the mixed accessories shop where I finally found them promised to get some more in. And did she ever deliver! Three big stands with most of the range there. I spent about an hour swatching and tucking things in my little pink basket. I love their pencils and cream blushes and lipsticks.

They make an eyelid primer or base that promises to keep eyeshadow in place. I am hoping it will be as good as the MAC paintpots. We'll see...

I bought White, White w/Pearl and Skin Tone.